Join our Friends scheme
We hope that residents of North Laine, those who have businesses here, and visitors who enjoy this unique area of Brighton will want to support us by becoming a Friend of North Laine Community Association. The NLCA relies on committed, active volunteers for everything we achieve.
How to become a Friend
If you’d like to become a Friend, or haven’t yet renewed your annual donation, please do so by setting up a standing order now. Suggested donations (though larger amounts are welcome) are:
£10 Single Friend/Sole Trader (unwaged £5)
£15 Joint Friend
£20 Larger Businesses
How to sign up
Contact us via money@northlaine.info for details of our bank account and to learn what you can do to enable us to claim an additional 25% on top of your donation from HMRC, via Gift Aid.
How your money is spent
Communicating with residents is essential in helping us to preserve the unique character of the North Laine. We have been doing this most effectively for 40 years through our excellent bi-monthly magazine, the North Laine Runner. But of course this costs money, as does our website, which has been running since 2008. Both are funded entirely from NLCA funds.
Funds have traditionally been raised via local traders and other businesses advertising in the Runner, and by NLCA fundraising activities throughout the year. However, it's becoming difficult to cover all costs this way, so the Friends scheme is an increasingly important source of revenue.
Help spread the word
Please let friends and relatives living outside North Laine, who care about our special place in the heart of the city, know about the Friends scheme too.
We also place leaflets in local shops, with window stickers to raise interest. Many visitors to North Laine love this quirky and vibrant heart of Brighton as much as the residents, so we hope they will want to help support our vital work to protect its unique character and atmosphere.