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Irish Pub Guinness Beer

Licensing applications

Please attend hearings if you can


North Laine is in the cumulative impact zone (CIZ), yet more and more alcohol licences are being granted here (350% increase since 2005). NLCA representatives attend the council's quarterly Licensing Strategy Group, and do their best to raise awareness of drink-related problems in our area. The police monitor licensing applications and where they oppose a licence, the NLCA will do so, too. We also receive support from our local councillors and it helps us greatly if local residents also attend Hearings. So please consider doing so, especially if you are concerned about one near you.


The latest licensing applications are below. If you have concerns regarding a licence, please come to an NLCA resident's meeting or email




1445/3/2025/00534/LAPREN  Rudy's Pizza Limited, 17Jubilee Street

Sale of alcohol On and Off Premises 11 am – 11.30pm every day

Closing date for comments 24 February




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