Reporting problems makes a difference
for the whole of North Laine
Brighton & Hove Council and Sussex Police prioritise their responses according to the number of incidents logged with them. So as a community we need to log incidents on a regular basis. The authorities are much more likely to respond to incidents and issues previously logged than one-offs.
Please help us improve North Laine and report everything, every time. From anti-social behaviour such as drug taking, tagging, late night noise and vandalism to criminal activity such as drug dealing and break ins please report it every time you see it. This can be done online, as well as by phone. Remember to take photographic evidence if possible. See below for phone numbers and email addresses.
The NLCA is not able to log individual issues on behalf of members. However, do please keep us informed if you have an ongoing issue you are repeatedly logging. If we can help you further and pursue it where appropriate we will do so.
In an emergency always dial 999
for police, fire, ambulance or coastguard
For less urgent matters and advice please contact
Sussex police (24 hr non-emergencies) 101
or email: 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk
Crimestoppers (24 hr) 0800 555 111
British Transport Police 0845 405040
NHS 111 111
For tags
Take a photo of the tag. Then email it to:101@sussex.pnn.police.uk
Subject: Tagging Graffiti Report REFERENCE: 47200105494
Then include your name, address and a contact number and say where the tag was found (eg corner of Tidy Street and Trafalgar Street) and the date and time when you think it occurred. Remember to attach the photo.
Brighton & Hove council out of hours/emergencies
Highways & environmental 01273 294266
​​Social care emergencies 01273 295555
​Carelink plus 0300 123 3301
Homelessness 01273 294400
Child protection 01273 290400
(out of hours: 01273 335905)
​Alarms - out of hours
To report an alarm that's continually sounding, or repeats for more than 20 minutes every hour, please call 01273 294266 between the hours of 5pm on Friday to 9am on Monday.
During the week from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday call 01273 293541.
Normal B&H Council office hours are 10am to 4.30pm Monday - Friday. Tel: 01273 290000