Join our Facebook and social media groups
NORTH LAINE Community Association is doing more online and we now have Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter sites. See below for how you can join us. Many offer immediate ways for residents and businesses to interact and share information.
Find NLCA online at www.facebook.com/NLCAonline
★ WHAT'S ON: Share announcements about activities happening in and around North Laine. If you hear of, or see, something interesting let everyone know here.
★ HELP WANTED: Need a plumber, help putting up a shelf,
a babysitter, recommendations on curtains? Say what you
need and neighbours can help.
and WhatsApp North Laine Neighburs
★ NLCA ANTI-TAGGING GROUP: This is where we coordinate action to remove tags from North Laine streets.
★ EVERYTHING ELSE: Here’s the place for anything else you want to post. Perhaps you need to know how to report overflowing bins, maybe you’ve experienced antisocial behaviour and need advice, or you’ve thought of another activity we can do?
★ OTHER MEDIA: Our Twitter, Instagram and YouTube links are below - just click on them to go to our sites. Or follow us on Twitter @NorthLaineCA - Instagram @nlcainsta